The Trefoil Guild is a non-uniformed section of The Guide Association. It allows men and women to retain their links with Guiding. It aims to keep the spirit of the Guide Promise and Law and offers practical help to Guiding.
The Trefoil Guild offers a warm welcome to everyone, male or female, aged 18 or over whether or not they have previously been connected with the Guide Movement. Full membership is open to anyone willing to make or renew the Guide/Scout Promise and affiliated membership to those who don't wish to do so, provided they subscribe to the aims and principles of The Guide Association.
Bootle and Litherland Trefoil Guild is one of over 1100 local Guilds throughout the UK. We meet in the on the last Tuesday of each month and offer companionship and the opportunity of service.
Contact: Guild Chairman Mrs Pat Martin JP on 922 4941 for further details.